Group OR Individual Breathwork?

A common question I get from people who are exploring which Breathwork path to go down is - will Group or an Individual Breathwork session be a better fit for me? Ultimately there is no clear answer on this question and whichever path you chose, you are going to embark on a journey of self-awareness, release and growth, once you start experiencing the power of your breath.

To assist in getting an understanding of which is the right fit for you, lets explore the benefits that come with each pathway.

Benefits of Individual Breathwork:

In both my Group and Individual sessions I ask my clients to share their intention for the session. When booking a session, you are either sent a form or need to complete some questions. I do this not only to get consent for any hands-on work but also to get to an understanding of what’s happening in your life and what you would like to “get” out of your session.

In an Indvidual Breathwork session, there is real freedom to discuss how you are feeling in regards to your intention, time to talk about your experiences and how you feel about them. Once on the mat, you are invited to breathe deep and be present with all that shows up for you. In this setting, as you are my only focus there is a sense of being able to be totally open and vulnerable. Your safety is my top priority, so, as you breathe, as the energy builds, you can feel that you are deeply held, seen and acknowledged. And it is from this space that you can process deep trauma, release negative beliefs and outdated patterns.

Individual sessions are ideal for people who have never experienced Breathwork before or who have been in large group Breathwork and would prefer a more individualized approach. And for those that just want to feel that deep safety and guidance on their healing journey back to wholeness.

Benefits of Group Breathwork:

While Individual Breathwork sessions allow extra support for deep trauma, some people really benefit from the energy that builds in a group session. My weekly Breathwork and Meditation Circles have only 4 people, but I find this number is ideal, as the shared group energy is there, as well as still being a small enough group that you are fully seen and acknowledged on your journey.

Some people find that hearing others breathe and release, gives them permission or encouragement to really be with their process. This can help people to go deeper and fosters a sense of true self-healing as I hold the space for the whole group, not just the individual.

Another aspect of Group Breathwork versus Individual is the sharing, not only of everyone’s Breathwork journey, but what brought them to Breathwork initially. There is a lot of comfort in recognizing that we are all the same and ultimately, that we all have the same needs and desires. We really are all connected and sharing after the group session, really highlights this.

Closing thoughts on Group OR Individual Breathwork:

Both Group and Indvidual Breathwork have their own unique advantages, it’s up to you to decide which pathway suits your current needs. Let yourself sit with it, and the answer will come. I have some clients that know without a doubt which pathway suits them and others that are just not sure. If that is you, I trust the above information will assist you in deciding.

It’s worth noting, that while one Breathwork session can lead to break throughs, to create lasting change, I recommend multiple sessions. Often clients will come for at least one Individual session and then follow up with monthly Group sessions.

If you would like to experience an Individual or Group Breathwork session, please click on the corresponding button below.


Shanie 💜


How to Prepare for Breathwork


Breathwork Aftercare & Integration