How to Prepare for Breathwork

How to Prepare for In-person Breathwork Sessions

Preparation is an important aspect of your Breathwork journey, whether it is Individual, Couples Group or Online. More information is available regarding preparation for On-line sessions further down the page.

Safety is very important to me in this work, so I recommend you follow out the below recommendations.

  1. Don’t eat a big meal just before breathing. If you have a morning session or are joining one of my Breathwork and Meditation Circles, it can be helpful to postpone breakfast until after the breathe. If you are concerned that hunger may get in the way, consume something small, like a green or fruit smoothie. Or you could bring something a nutritious snack for afterwards. Please keep in mind that if your stomach is full, all of your internal energy will go towards digestion and not your inner journey.

  2. Make sure you are comfortable. Wear loose fitting comfortable clothing, that can be removed easily if needed. Please know that your temperature can change dramatically during your session - I have plenty of blankets and will adjust the cooling/heating when needed.

  3. No drugs or alcohol to be ingested before your session.

  4. Apart from bringing your intention, you are welcome to bring a journal to write down your thoughts and a personal water bottle, otherwise filtered water is available.

How to Prepare for On-line Breathwork Sessions

  1. As in the above recommendations, don’t eat a big meal before your session and wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing.

  2. Whichever device you’re using, make sure it is fully charged. Use earbuds if you prefer but it is not essential.

  3. Make sure your internet connection is strong. Have the Zoom app downloaded, if you do not have it already.

  4. It is ideal to be lying down for your session. You may use a bed, or yoga mat. Ensure you have plenty if space around you and dim the lights or close the curtains. You may find that when you release you may be vocal or emotional so consider whether your space allow you to do this comfortably.

  5. Make sure that you will not be disturbed during your session. Co-ordinate with family members, housemates if necessary.

  6. Use a blindfold or sleeping mask, optional.

  7. No drugs or alcohol to be ingested before your on-line session.

  8. Have tissues, water, lip balm and a journal nearby.


Breathwork has contraindications because of its strong activation of the nervous system as well as bringing up unprocessed emotional material.

Ultimately Breathwork is not for everyone! If you have any concerns, please contact myself or if you are experiencing Breathwork with another facilitator, contact them beforehand.

Contradictions - contact your facilitator if you have any of these conditions/situations:

  • If you are under 18, you will need parental consent.

  • First trimester of pregnancy.

  • High blood pressure that is NOT controlled with medication.

  • History of stokes or seizures.

  • Epilepsy.

  • Detached retina.

  • PTSD - if you currently have symptoms of severe PTSD, please check with us before breathing.

  • Any other medical, psychiatric or physical conditions which could impact your ability to engage in physical or emotional release.

If you are unsure please email us here or book a discovery call.


Shanie 💜


Resistance in Breathwork


Group OR Individual Breathwork?