Breathwork Aftercare & Integration

The experience of a Breathwork session doesn’t end when the session ends.

Breathwork using Conscious Connected Breathing is a very powerful but safe modality which opens you up to you inner world. To get the most benefit from your Breathwork journey, it’s important to give yourself some time to do, what is called in Breathwork spaces as “integration”.

Integration is where you take what you learnt about yourself in your Breathwork session and “integrate” it into your life and very being.

Breathwork is energy work, so some of the integration may not be immediately apparent. Even though you may have had an emotional release or received some profound clarity, your body and energy system will still be unconsciously processing the session. Healing is not just about releasing unprocessed or held trauma from your body and nervous system, but also re-patterning our nervous system. This re-patterning happens after your Breathwork session, in your quieter moments as you change your focus and gradually change your daily actions and ultimately, life.

Lingering Emotions After a Transpersonal Breathwork Session:

Transpersonal Breathwork sessions can be deeply emotional experiences as repressed emotions are brought to the surface to be felt and released. Generally the processing of the emotion and any unprocessed emotional material is released. Sometimes, in your session something may be brought to your awareness but not completely processed.

Breathwork is not about making something go away - it’s about bringing that repressed material up, so you can move through it consciously. When emotions are still present after a session. it doesn’t mean it didn’t “work", it means that you now have an opportunity to integrate what is calling your attention to it. And now you can work with what was brought up from the unconscious to your awareness.

Breathwork Aftercare:

So make sure you that leave some time after your session to take it easy. Don’t go rushing off after your session into the next appointment or your to do list!

Firstly be gentle with yourself -

  • Allow some time for self-nurturing, whatever that looks like for you. Read a book, go for a slow walk, take a warm bath, eat some grounding food such as veggie soups and roots such as potatoes, carrots or radishes.

  • Spend some time by yourself or with people who are nurturing.

  • Allow for greater sensitivity, openness and vulnerability.

  • Allow whatever emotions to come up, to come up without any judgement or labelling them or yourself wrong for feeling them. Emotions are energy in motion and need to be felt and moving.

  • Drink plenty of water.

  • Journal, put some music on and allow your body to move/dance spontaneously and authentically.

If you need more support, contact me and we can talk about what is showing up and ways to gently move and/or be with that.


Shanie 💜


Group OR Individual Breathwork?


Intention Setting